Plantar Fasciitis Overview - Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Home Remedies
What is Plantar Fasciitis? First, let’s try to understand what fascia is. Our foot contains a dense, fibrous band of tissue that runs from heel to toes. This is called...
Postpartum Recovery: How to Get Your Body Back After Giving Birth
Moves to Get your Body Back After Birth One question that is asked by new moms very often is, “Is it necessary to exercise in the initial weeks of childbirth?”...
Hip Replacement: Do You Need Hip Surgery?
Do You Need Hip Replacement Surgery? Hip replacement surgeries have become quite common in the U.S. Over 300,000 patients are undergoing complete hip replacement surgeries each year. Although 90% of...
Why Shouldn’t You Ignore Abdominal Swelling?
Abdominal Bloating and Swelling First and foremost, you need to differentiate between abdominal bloating and swelling. Bloating is frequently a sign of chronic diseases of the digestive tract, mostly a...
What You Need to Know Before Getting Liposuction
What is Liposuction? The most vital thing to know about liposuction is that it is not a weight reduction procedure. Do not confuse liposuction with bariatric surgery. Liposuction is a...
Broken Rib Treatment: Do You Have Cracked Ribs?
A Broken Rib What’s a broken rib? This is an injury that happens when one or more of the rib bones break or crack. It is highly important to learn about...
Everything You Need to Know About Abdominal Hernias
Abdominal Hernia Introduction Firstly, what is abdominal hernia? By definition, an abdominal hernia is a medical condition where an organ/tissue peeks via a weakened muscle wall that surrounds the abdominal...
How to Choose a Postpartum Belly Band Along with its Kinds and Precautions?
Choosing a Postpartum Belly Band Wondering about whether or not to wear a postpartum belly band after delivery to get your pre-pregnancy body back? Well, there are several important things to...
Tips for Coping with a Shoulder Sling
Coping with a Shoulder Sling One may be asked to wear a shoulder sling for various reasons. Basically, a shoulder sling will help support your arm after an injury or...
Scary Musculoskeletal Injuries Your Overweight Child Could Get
Scary Musculoskeletal Injuries Your Overweight Child Could Get The concerns of obesity are far underestimated as compared to other diseases. Have you ever thought about the damage of being overweight...
Waist Trainer: Things You Need to Know About Waist Training
Waist Training What is actually meant by the term, “waist training”? How does a waist trainer work? And, do they actually work? These are some of the common and rarely...
Broken Arm: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment Options and Medications
Broken Arm Treatment Generally, a broken arm will involve one or more of the bones in your arm. The most common cause of a broken arm is known to be...
Hernia Symptoms, Operation Types and Hernia Repair Surgery
What are the Risks Involved in a Hernia Operation? Not sure if you should get your hernia operated? Curious about the risks related to a hernia surgery? Well, you are...
Abdominal Binders for Loose Belly Skin
Abdominal Binders Nowadays people are good at body sculpting. So many specialists can advise you on how to get your dream body in the shortest time possible. It is not...
Postpartum Weight Loss - When will my Belly be Normal Again?
Postpartum Weight Loss We all know that an average newborn will weigh around 7.5 pounds. But, what about the mother? What will her weight be when she walks out of...
Tips to Make the Slimming Belts Work Best for You
Slimming Belts to Reduce Extra Fat That extra fat in your belly will make you very conscious about wearing fitting clothes and swimwear. It will decrease your confidence levels and...
Sacroiliac Joint Pain: Can You Benefit From Using an SI Joint Belt?
Suffering from Sacroiliac Joint Pain? An SI joint belt is worn inside your clothing and against your underwear. For the outside world, you will appear completely normal only you will...
How Does a Belly Belt Help With Weight Loss?
Weight Loss Belly Belts Anyone struggling to improve the shape of belly knows how challenging it can be. In many cases, a person may lose enough of body weight, yet...
How Can You Get a Hernia From Coughing?
Can Coughing Causes Hernia? What do you think causes a hernia? Ever experienced a push through tissue or muscle? A hernia is nothing but a sudden push of an organ...
Taking Care after Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric Surgery Needless to say, that first choice for losing extra body weight must be exercise, dietary measures, and non-invasive strategies like using abdominal binders. However, in extreme obesity, in...