Sacroiliac Joint Pain: Can You Benefit From Using an SI Joint Belt?

Suffering from Sacroiliac Joint Pain?
An SI joint belt is worn inside your clothing and against your underwear. For the outside world, you will appear completely normal only you will know that you are wearing a secret belt. Isn’t that cool?
According to a recent research report, the incidence of sacroiliac joint pain is found to be 13% and it’s as high as 30% in individuals with lower back or butt pain. If you are one among these people with the SI joint pain, an SI joint belt could turn out to be a life-saver.
We would say that you will see the difference from the first time you wear it. The SI joint belt will work by compressing the loose SI joints into a tight closure, thereby enabling the normal movement and weight transfer in your body. You can immediately perform all the painful movements like walking, getting into a car, and many more, without any pain.[1]
Is the SI Joint Belt Truly Beneficial?
The SI joint belt is specially designed to alleviate the symptoms of sacroiliac joint pain. It works by providing support to your hip region and helps tackle your SI joint dysfunction. The SI joint belt will effectively hold your hips together by creating the appropriate kind of compression around the hips, thus, stabilizing the hips, as well as sacrum, pelvis, and lumbar regions instantly. Thus, an SI joint belt will help the pain in your lower back, lumbar, as well as sciatica parts. So now, you shouldn’t have any questions about its effectiveness in relieving your SI joint pain.[2]
Who Should Use an SI Joint Support Belt?
A woman with recent childbirth-related lower back pain should start using it. Note that pregnancy, childbirth, as well as breastfeeding will put a mother into major changes in hormone levels. In this line, a hormone called Relaxin will make the ligaments relax and stretchy for the childbirth to happen. In some women, this phenomenon combined with the childbirth process will cause so much stretch in the SI joints that it’s hard to regain the proper stability even after delivery and breastfeeding. If you are also one among the women experiencing pain over the lower back/tailbone, more particularly, during transitional movements, you should start using an SI joint belt.
Apart from women with childbirth-related lower back pain, people with traumatic incidents should also start using this belt. If you have been hit, fallen down, or faced an accident, you might be struggling with pain in your pelvis, hip, or lower back regions. You might have consulted a chiropractor in your region and would have aligned your spine for the time being. This pain will come back after a few days and will stay until it’s adjusted again. If this sounds like the case of you, you may require an SI joint belt to speed up your healing process.
How to Buy an SI Joint Belt?
The SI Joint Belt selection process will depend upon one’s wearing schedule. In order for the SI joint belt to be effective and beneficial in the long run, you are recommended to use it 23 hours a day for three to four months. It’s based on the fact that the true recovery from Sacroiliac Joint dysfunction occurs only when the ligaments holding these joints regenerate while the joints are held in a stable position. This process will take three to six months.[3]
Remember, a normal fashion belt will make you uncomfortable and cause irritation to your skin very soon. Today, there are lots of brands and styles of SI joint belts in the market available in various sizes. While buying, you will have to consider factors like coverage and elasticity of the belt apart from the price.
The best place to shop for an SI Joint belt will be EveryDay Medical, where there are three different types of SI Joint Belts to choose from:
- SI Joint Belt - Sacroiliac Hip Brace - Hip and Pelvic Support
- SI Joint Belt Sacroiliac Hip Brace - SI Joint, Hip and Pelvic Support
- Groin, Hamstring, and Hip Compression Wrap Brace
How to Wear an Sacroiliac or SI Joint Belt Correctly?
Ideally, you must place your SI joint belt right after the spinal adjustment. When you are ready to wear, locate your Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS) and put on the belt over the hips on the level of your ASIS. It would be slightly lower than the level of your normal fashion belt. Now, pick the enforcement strap on either side, stretch, and anchor them on the front side. Ideally, the SI joint belt should cover your SI joints in the back, where you experience pain during transitional movements.