What You Need to Know Before Getting Liposuction

What You Need to Know Before Getting Liposuction

What is Liposuction?

The most vital thing to know about liposuction is that it is not a weight reduction procedure. Do not confuse liposuction with bariatric surgery. Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure done to improve the shape and contours of the body. Whereas, bariatric surgery is primarily done for body weight reduction. Liposuction is also not a solution for sagging skin.

liposuction for fat

Thus an ideal candidate for liposuction is a person close to ideal weight or not grossly overweight. It is for a person with unbalanced shape, with an accumulation of fat at odd places that would not go with diet and exercise. Some people may have very stubborn pockets of fat tissues. This stubborn fat may be on the belly, legs, under the chin, upper arms, and so on.

Know About the Surgical Options for Liposuction

Cosmetic surgery is on the rise, and so is the liposuction. Each year several hundred thousands of Americans have this procedure. It can be regarded as a safe procedure, though the risk is not nil. There are several types of methods available, along with traditional liposuction you may have a choice of tumescent liposuction, laser assisted, ultrasound assisted, and so on.

Choice of procedure would depend on many factors. Thus one can only decide after consultations with a specialist. Some of the procedures are done using general anesthesia, while in others local anesthesia would suffice. Therefore, before agreeing for the surgical treatment, inquire all the details about it. However, remember that in liposuction what matters is the skills of the surgeon and equipment used is only secondary.

liposuction surgery

How is the Liposuction Procedure Done?

  • There may be a prolonged preparatory period. As in most cases, the doctor would use general anesthesia. Thus it is essential for a medical specialist to know if the candidate is healthy enough. Everything will start with blood tests and scan to confirm wellbeing. The doctor would like to exclude any severe disease.

liposuction procedure

Further, the surgeon would provide instruction to take or discontinue certain medications. Diabetic may need to control sugar levels better. Aspirin or vitamin E may be discontinued for the time being. Typically, a person would be instructed to stop eating 12 hours before the surgery.

  • Few hours before surgery a person may be put on IV fluids, other medications. Some pre-operation tests may be ordered. A person may also be placed on the monitors.
  • During surgery, general anesthesia would be given. However, there are some newer methods where only local anesthetics are used.
  • For liposuction, the tiny incision will be made at the point of surgery. Fat is prepared for suction. The doctor may use radio waves, laser, ultrasound, or other ways to dislodge the stubborn fat.
  • Finally, fat is suctioned, and the wound is closed. Small tubes may be placed at the site of incision for drainage.

One important and useful thing to know is that extracted fat is not necessarily a waste product. Your fat can be used to improve looks of other areas of the body, like for increasing breast size, shaping the buttocks, or improving face. Research shows that breast or buttock augmentation by using fat grafts is on the rise. Therefore, it would be a good idea to ask your surgeon if he or she provides such treatment (surely it would also depend on your needs).

Things to Ask Your Surgeon

  • Ask about the qualification, certification, and experience of the operating surgeon- as already said surgical skills are more important than equipment.
  • Have clarity about the results. So ask the surgeon about possible outcomes. It is not rare for people to over-expect.
  • Ask about before and after photos, to know more the things more realistically.
  • Ask about post-surgical care, though in most cases the use of compression or wearing abdominal braces would suffice.
  • Ask if liposuction can be combined with other surgical procedures like surgery for stretched abdominal skin and so on.

Recovering from Liposuction

Recovery period would depend on the scale of the procedure and the type of anesthesia used. In most cases, you will be transferred to the recovery area of the clinic. For quicker recovery, and reducing the risk of complications, swellings, your doctor may ask you to wear compression garments/abdominal binders.

Abdominal binders and liposuction

In most cases, you will be at home after a few hours. However, immense precautions should be taken during the first 24 hours. You may start doing most of your routine tasks just after 2-3 days. You will be required to wear an  abdominal binder for much longer. They are not only useful during the acute phase; they also help over a long time by tightening the skin.

Abdominal binders in the post-surgical phase may help you return to work faster. They would help you get in better shape. Those who do not use abdominal belts may suffer from sagging skin.

So how long should you a  wear abdominal binders?

At least for a few days. Ideally longer, maybe a month or two, until you have recovered completely and skin has tightened enough. If you decide to continue wearing them after surgery, it will provide you with additional benefits. Abdominal binders also called bariatric binders as they promote relocation of fat and help in body sculpting.







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