Is it possible to prevent sciatica?
Sciatica may or may not recur, and prevention is not always possible. But you can always protect your back using the following methods: Special attention needs to be paid to...
What are the risk factors of sciatica?
The risk factors are: Age: The common causes of sciatica are the age-related changes that occur in the spine. Ex: herniated discs, bone spurs, etc. Obesity: Obesity is another cause...
What causes sciatica?
“A pinched nerve” is a better definition for Sciatica. It affects the lower spinal nerve(s). The nerves may be pinched either inside or outside of the canal as it runs...
Can sitting on the toilet cause sciatica?
If you have the habit of sitting on the toilet for a prolonged period and read a newspaper or magazine, it can lead to sciatica pain. Leading spine specialists from...
How do you test for sciatica?
The physical and neurological examinations will be performed by a spine specialist. The doctor will note down the movement that causes pain, the range of motion, posture, and physical condition...
Where is my Sciatica?
The sciatic nerve causes a back pain, which is called as sciatica. This nerve is large and runs from lower back to the back of each leg. Injury or pressure...
How to sleep with sciatica?
A few changes and tips will help you have a good night’s sleep: A good mattress can guarantee you better sleep. A mattress is not the source of sciatic problems,...
Is walking good for sciatic nerve pain?
One among the several benefits of walking is that it reduces the sciatic pain. Doing it gently will give your body enough amount of cardio benefits, while also not stressing...
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