5 Best Exercises to Correct Bad Posture

Best Ways to Correct Bad Posture
If you are a person who is continuously working out towards a lean and elegant look, this is one article that is worth reading. Firstly, to achieve a lean look, a good posture is a must. One of the best ways to correct a bad posture is to use a good posture corrector. A posture corrector will significantly help improve your posture and also will reduce the back pains that are caused by your bad posture. For the cost of $18 to $28, a posture corrector will help improve your posture significantly. Get one today!
Besides this, a few exercises will also help improve your posture. These exercises will work on strengthening your core, which includes the muscles of your abdomen and the lower back. Read below to know the best workouts for correcting your bad posture.
1.Single Leg Extension:
This workout will train your core muscles and help stabilize the pelvis. To do this, lie on the floor with the knees bent. Your feet must be flat on the ground and your hands behind your head. Now, squeeze your lower back into the floor and roll the head up off the ground. While doing this, exhale and pull the navel region in and up in the direction of your spine. Now, slowly bring one of your knees into the chest while having your lower back squeezed onto the floor. At this time, your other leg must be extended straight at about 45 degrees off the floor. During the workout move, be sure to have your abdominals pulled in.
Now, switch legs and repeat it for 5 to 10 extensions per side.
2.The New Crunch:
This exercise will work your abdominal, which is also called the six-pack muscles. This will also work on your obliques, those that run around the waist region. To do this, lie on the floor with your back. Your feet must be flat on the floor. Now, squeeze your lower back into the ground and keep your hands behind the head. Then, try to reach your arms in the direction of the knees. Now, exhale powerfully and bring your navel in and up in the direction of the spine. Roll your head, as well as shoulders slowly off from the floor. Hold on this position for a few seconds and then, slowly restore the original position.
Repeat the move at least three times.
3.Pilates Roll-Up:
This is another exercise that will work on your rectus abdominis and obliques. In addition, it will also work on the transverse abdominis, which are the deepest core muscles surrounding the waist region. To do this, you must lie on you back on the floor. Keep your legs straight and your feet flexed. The arms must be reaching overhead on the ground. Now, squeeze your lower back into the ground. For the move, start by exhaling strongly and pull your navel in and up in the direction of the spine. Now, swirl up slowly, reaching your arms off of the ground, then the shoulders and head, swirling up only one vertebra at a time until you are sitting up with the abdominals pulled in. Now, slowly swirl back to the original position.
Repeat the exercise three to five times.
This particular exercise will work your core muscles by concentrating on the obliques. To do this, lie on the ground with your back and hands behind your head. Your chest must be lifted off the ground and knees must be pulled into the chest. While doing this, have your lower back squeezed into the ground. To start the move, exhale powerfully and bring your navel in and up in the direction of the spine. Now, bring one of your knees into the chest while stretching another leg straight and rotating the torso in the direction of the bent knee. In slow motion, switch legs by bringing the other knee into the chest and rotating the torso in the direction of it and stretching the other leg off the ground.
Repeat the exercise five to ten times.
5.Cobra Pose:
This exercise will work your erector spinae, which are the back muscles that stretch your spine. It will also work your other lower back muscles. To do this, lie on the ground with your stomach. Keep your palms on the ground near the ribs. Keep your legs stretched straight at your back. Squeeze the top of your feet into the ground. For the move, start by exhaling strongly and pull the abdominal muscles in and up in the direction of the spine. Now, extend out through the spine and lift your head and chest off the ground. While doing so, deploy only your back muscles. Don’t push down your arms to rise up. Have your hip bones on the ground and gaze down to relax the muscles. After a few seconds, slowly restore your original position.
Repeat the exercise three to five times.