Can kidneys cause lower back pain?

The kidneys are located underneath the rib cage towards your back. It is hard to identify from which area the pain is originated. Mostly the urinary tract infections cause a severe low backache. However, the symptoms that you have can help you distinguish the kidney pain from back pain.

The location of your pain, the type of your pain, the severity, and the radiating pain you experience can help you identify if there is a problem in your kidney or the pain is from your lower back.

Kidney pain generally is caused by a kidney infection or kidney stones. Unless the kidney stones are removed, pain caused by them cannot be cured. Kidney pain won't increase if there is a sudden movement change. On the other hand, back pain is generally conventional and is caused by the nerves, muscles, or bones of your back. And, your back pain can worsen with movements or if you sit/stand for a long period. It can get better if you change positions or go for a  walk.