Tendonitis Knee: What You Need to do?

Natural Osteoarthritis Treatments
The knee is practically significant in holding the stability of the lower half of the human body. It is one of the most complicated and largest joints of the body and connects the thigh bone to the shin bone. The knee joint also comprises of a smaller bone that runs lateral to the tibia and the patella or the kneecap. The knee bones are connected to the leg muscles with the help of tendons in order to provide mobility for the knee joint.
The ligaments are responsible for joining the knee bones and providing the required stability to the knee. However, the knee is also vulnerable to many conditions which could result in its dysfunction among which tendonitis knee and osteoarthritis are the most common afflictions. In the following discussion, let us explore some information on patellar tendonitis and osteoarthritis followed by an illustration of some effective natural remedies which can be applied for treating these conditions.
Tendonitis in the Knee?
The question would have to be answered in order to know the disease that you would be dealing with. Tendonitis is generally developed in the knee due to injury or inflammation of the tendon that connects the knee cap and the shin bone. The pain could range from mild to extremely severe depending upon the nature of injury.
The tendonitis in knee is termed as patellar tendonitis in medical terminology although the common instances of the disorder in recreational volleyball and basketball enthusiasts have earned it the name of ‘Jumper’s knee’. Professional athletes have been found to depict higher rates of patellar tendonitis as compared to recreational players.
How does it come into play?
So, here’s the deal! Knowing about the source of a disease has been rule in treatment approaches since prevention of the cause of a disease would be more effective than treating it. The primary cause of patellar tendonitis is found in application of additional stress on the knee which is largely observed in the case of overuse for exercise or sports.[1]
The impact of the regular stress on the knees is responsible for developing small tears in the tendon that undergo inflammation over the course of time thereby weakening the tendon and causing patellar tendonitis. Some of the other factors which can pile up on the burden include obesity, tightened leg muscles, shoes without appropriate padding, chronic diseases, lack of uniformity in strength of leg muscles and alignment of feet, legs and ankles. Athletes and individuals undergoing rigorous sports training are found to be at higher risks of developing jumper’s knee or tendonitis in the knee ligaments and tendons.
Knowing that it’s here!
You can only face your enemy if you know that they have arrived and the same goes for patellar tendonitis. The foremost signs of tendonitis would be found in the form of pain and tenderness around the base of the kneecap. These symptoms could also be accompanied with a burning sensation and swelling in the kneecap. Athletic activities such as squatting or kneeling down could be particularly painful with the pain being sporadic in the initial phases appearing only after physical activity or exercises. However, if the situation is left unaddressed then the tendon weakens over time leading to increase in the pain which could also imply restrictions on athletic activity as well as extreme pain during everyday tasks such as climbing stairs. Immediate consultation with the doctor is the advisable course of action when these symptoms are identified.
Diagnosis speaks it all out!
Yes, you heard it right! Diagnosis is the only way to make sure whether you are in need of a knee replacement surgery or your patellar tendonitis could be treated otherwise. Doctors would implement imaging tests and physical examination to find out whether the patient has patellar tendonitis or any other condition such as a fracture. The tests could include ultrasound, MRI and X-ray. X-ray could help in identifying any fracture or displacement in the knee while the MRI and ultrasound could be used for looking at the tendon and identifying any damage to soft tissue in the knee.
As discussed before, the condition of patellar tendonitis could lead to potentially complicated scenarios if it is not treated. The tendon can be damaged severely thereby leading to permanent disability or notable complications for everyday functioning. Athletes are the ones to face the most disastrous consequences of this disease as they would have to face the physical consequences as well as psychological trauma of staying out the sport temporarily or permanently in extreme cases.
Treating the Tendonitis
Tendonitis in knee could be more dangerous than it seems as a medical term and the above information shows clearly how complicated it could be for the health and future of many people. The treatment for tendonitis could involve a wide range of methods including medication, surgery, therapy and alternative treatments.[2]
Therapy sessions could include ice massaging and regular massage for the knee, warm-up and stretching as well as strengthening exercises. Alternative therapies that are applied in the case of patellar tendonitis include hyperthermia thermotherapy, polidocanol injections, extracorporeal shockwave therapy, ultrasound-guided dry needling and injections. The common over the counter drugs that are prescribed for the condition of patellar tendonitis include Advil, Tylenol and Aleve. However, it is imperative to consider the factor that there are many natural treatments which could help in getting rid of the troubles caused by patellar tendonitis or osteoarthritis. Here are some of them which could be tried out within the convenience of homely facilities without the need for expensive medications or surgeries.
Doing it naturally!
This is what you have been looking for all the while! Natural treatments for inflammation and injuries in knee ligaments and tendons contribute more towards healing as compared to the surgical methods or consistent ingestion of medicines.
Even though the natural methods may take some more time, the outcomes of the methods are particularly reflective of limited complications in the long run as well as reduced costs as compared to the commonly accepted treatment approaches.
- The first method that could be preferred in case of patellar tendonitis and osteoarthritis is hot and cold compresses which are completely devoid of the long term side effects that may be caused due to medication. The heat is responsible for easing stiffness in the joints and the cold compression helps in relieving joint pain. With a simple process for making a compress, it would be just the right solution to do away with the pain around the kneecap in patellar tendonitis or osteoarthritis.
- Epsom salt baths are also considered effective natural remedies for patellar tendonitis and osteoarthritis since they are known for alleviating joint pain. The magnesium content of the Epsom salt is considered as the element responsible for dealing with pain and inflammation.
- Topical alternatives to over the counter medications such as Advil and Tylenol could also be preferred as naturally effective remedies for patellar tendonitis and osteoarthritis. These topical creams or gels could be applied directly to the surface near the affected knee. The primary content of these topical ointments and creams are analgesics or aspirin that help in reducing the pain caused due to tendonitis. However, it is essential to consult with a doctor before using any topical ointment or cream.
- Natural supplements and dietary alternatives could be profoundly helpful in dealing with concerns of patellar tendonitis and inflammation following knee replacement surgery. Green tea, ginger and turmeric could be considered for their medicinal properties to deal with the issues arising due to tendonitis or osteoarthritis in the knee.
Changing for the better!
Lifestyle changes could never be undermined in any circumstance for alleviating concerns of a particular disease. After all, you cannot change anything if ‘you’ don’t change ‘anything’! Changes in lifestyle such as dietary habits, physical activity and social interactions could be promising contributors to the reduction of possibilities for patellar tendonitis.
These changes in lifestyle would help in stabilization of muscles thereby preventing any additional damage to the knee. Exercises such as swimming, yoga, walking, and bike riding can help in improving flexibility as well as endurance that can assist with the concerns of knee inflammation and injuries.
Watch what you eat!
Diet is the best approach to make sure that patellar tendonitis is kept at bay. Therefore, the most common foods which shall be consumed in order to prevent any possibilities for pain or inflammation include citrus fruits, broccoli, garlic, omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, nuts, plant-based oils and low fat dairy products to obtain calcium and Vitamin D that promote bone and joint health.
While the good have made it to the discussion, the bad boys should not be left out either! The different foods which you should stay away from include sugary foods, salt, rice, white bread, alcohol, artificial sweeteners as well as saturated and Trans fat. These types of food and ingredients could be potentially responsible for increasing body inflammation and thus complicate the concerns of tendonitis or osteoarthritis.
1..https://www.foodmatters.com/a-to-z-conditions/wellness-guide/how-to-treat-osteoarthritis naturally