Pain-Relief & Skin Rejuvenation with Everyday Medical® Numbing Cream

When you need high-quality, safe and powerful skin numbing cream for pain-relief. You deserve a reliable topical cream that’s been studied by scientists, and clinically proven to be non-toxic and effective. Something that gives you just the right amount of Lidocaine, along with skin rejuvenating All-Natural ingredients.
Skin is the human body’s largest organ. It’s constantly being exposed to toxins, bumps, scraps, abrasions, excessive sunlight or not enough sunlight. How well you take care of this critically important organ that covers the entire human body, has life-long consequences.
That’s why it’s imperative to give your skin the healing support it needs, while using the modern day pain-relieving miracle of Lidocaine.
Everyday Medical® Topical Anesthetic Cream uses the maximum amount of FDA safe-approved Lidocaine, as well as natural, soothing ingredients such as; Aloe Vera, Tea Tree Oil, Clove Oil & Jojoba.
These natural ingredients accelerate the skin healing process, after you’ve experienced one of the following procedures; Tattoos, Piercings, Cosmetic Sessions, Electrolysis, Micro-Blading, Micro-Needling as well as all other dermal tissue intrusions or events.
Everyday Medical® Numbing Cream works fast too! It’s been clinically proven to relieve pain, in as little as 25 to 30 Minutes. One Study found there was a “significant anesthetic effect with topical 4% lidocaine gel, without occlusion in approximately 25-30 minutes.”
Occlusion is the complete or partial blockage of a blood vessel, and it can be very dangerous if it happens. Thankfully Everyday Medical® makes sure you never have to worry about occlusion. Their topical cream has proven time and time again, to be a safe, reliable and extremely effective skin-numbing agent.
It’s also Paraben-Free, which means it doesn’t contain harmful chemicals or preservatives. In fact, every one of the All-Natural ingredients in Everyday Medical® Numbing Cream help to make your skin healthier and more vibrant.
Pick up a brand new bottle of Everyday Medical® Topical Anesthetic Cream Today! So you can make sure your skin is Healthy & Pain-Free!