How Long Should You Wear a Breast Compression Band After Surgery?

Breast Augmentation Recovery Process
Have you been struggling with the recovery after your breast augmentation surgery? Do you know about the measures that need to be taken for preventing any complexities in the recovery process? Here’s the real deal! If you are unaware of the details of the breast augmentation recovery process, then it might not turn out quite well for you ladies.
Hence, it becomes important for you to understand the various practices and tools for the recovery process that not only expedite the process but also provide the necessary support in dealing with all complications that may arise. Where can you get information about these factors? There is no big reason to worry about this question as you could find it right here.
breast implant compression band
Let us dive into the world of breast implant surgery to find out what it is and the essential processes before and after the surgery. However, the most crucial part of our discussion would be focused on the use of surgical bras as a crucial component in the recovery process after a breast augmentation procedure.
What is Breast Augmentation Surgery?
Breast augmentation is one of the most common and popular cosmetic procedures all over the world and has been proved as a safe and medically approved method. This paints a fascinating scenario for ladies to get their breasts fuller and in shape with the rest of their body.[1]
However, there are many significant concerns before, during, and after the process which needs to be addressed effectively through appropriate consultation with the surgeon. So, let us reflect on some of the prominent factors to keep in mind about preparing for the surgery as well as the processes during surgery.
Prepare Properly
The preparatory stage for the surgery determines a substantial share of the success of your recovery process. If you want to recover fast after the surgery, then it is recommended to follow all the suggestions given by the surgeon. Some of these suggestions would include refraining from alcohol and smoking for a few weeks before the surgery or conducting a mammogram.
Do whatever the surgeon asks of you but only after you have been assured that the surgeon is ‘the best’ in the business! Check their credentials and customer reviews and consistency of results from breast augmentation surgeries to find the right surgeon. You would also be recommended to stop eating anything after midnight on the day before the surgery. It is also essential to take all recommended medications by the surgeon to prepare for the surgery.
Dealing With the Surgery
Now, you should also know a little bit about the surgery process. The process involves a cut at any of the four areas considered suitable by the surgeon according to different factors such as body shape, age, and other complexities. The four areas are armpits, around the nipple, the underside of the breast, and the mastectomy scar.
This is a piece of friendly information- Mastectomy scar is generally for patients with breast cancer and breast implants.The other three areas are considered suitable for cosmetic procedures albeit with specific limitations in different factors such as possibilities for loss of sensation in the nipple. The story does not end here! You have to face the concerns of scars from the surgery procedure that can be dealt with appropriately by following recommendations of the surgeon.
Recovery is the Key Process in Surgery
It’s time to come to the point. Breast augmentation surgery is as successful as the effectiveness of the recovery process. The most common questions that patients have in their minds after the surgery are directed towards the possibility for resuming normal activities, exercising and wearing normal bras.
The compression band is not just another tool in your recovery process but a significant instrument needed to support the appropriate placement of the implants without any chances for deformity.[2]
So, what is all this talk about breast implant compression band? There must be something unique about them so that all plastic surgeons recommend them after breast augmentation surgery. To know more about these compression bands, surgical bras and bandages for compression and their use in the recovery process, it would be essential to understanding the common events which you can expect immediately after the breast augmentation surgery.
The Burden of Recovery
The surgery is bound to take a toll on your body! You may feel sore and tired for a few days after the surgery, and these effects are noted when the anaesthesia wears off. It is recommended to take ample rest for these days to wear off the effects of pain.
Take good care and attention while removing the bandages only after 24 hours of surgery. You have to keep in mind that the skin tapes should not be removed. They will gradually wash off, and all you need to do is keep it dry with a clean towel. However, you would have to cover the incision wounds with gauze dressings for almost a week.
Stay Calm
You should also take note of the different symptoms that may arise immediately after the surgery. These include tightness in the chest area, swelling of breasts and mild bruising as well as reduced sensation in the breasts and nipples for some days. However, all these signs reduce gradually in the next few weeks and so there is no reason to panic!
A breast support bandage would be a mandatory recommendation by the surgeon. You have to wear it without fail at all times and only remove it while bathing but remember to wear it back after the bath. Even if your surgeon allows for showering after 24 hours of the surgery, it is recommended to stay away from swimming pools, lakes, bath water, hot tubs and oceans to prevent bacterial infections.
Have you got drains after the surgery? Then it would be advised to empty the drainage bulb three times every day and record the amount of fluid. This practice would help get rid of them as quickly as possible. Your surgeon can be able to monitor the volume of fluid for estimating the right time to remove the drains. A huge relief, isn’t it?
Breast Compression Bras and Bands - Are they worth it?
After a look at the information mentioned above, there would be practically little issues in going ahead with a breast augmentation surgery and get the best outcomes possible. However, you should also be aware of the power of breast implant stabilizer strap and bras in bringing out the perfect outcome you had in mind for your breasts after the surgery. Personally speaking, it would be impractical to underestimate their potential in the recovery process especially considering the recommendations of many surgeons to use them after breast augmentation surgery.
Right placement
If you are thinking about keeping your breasts free after the surgery then, think twice! Without any support, the implants may go haywire and end up with a ghastly placement. Nobody would want this. So it is recommended to go for surgeon recommended compression bras or straps that can give the necessary support and protection to the implants. Furthermore, the implants tend to find the perfect placement during the recovery process with a compression band or bra placed high on the chest on the upper slope of the breasts.
Taking care
An essential recommendation in the case of using a breast implant stabilizer band is to readjust it frequently to prevent bunching up of the band near the armpit area. You do not need to strap the band tightly like a little bit of compression would do just fine for giving the implants the right placement. It is also imperative to focus on the negative impacts of high compression such as indentations in the skin. That would not look good in any case.
How do I Find the Right Compression or Support Garment?
So, which one do you need to select for your needs in the recovery process? Even if your surgeon recommends a specific bra or compression band, it would be better to research the available brands and features of the products. Some of the notable factors that should be taken into account for selection of an appropriate surgical bra or compression band include comfortable, fitting to the form of your body and breathable fabric. Adjustable straps and no underwire are also two features that you cannot neglect while purchasing a surgical bra.
You should also note that there are many shapes, sizes and fabric alternatives available in the case of medical compression bras. However, the right choice of a compression bra is a significant aspect of the healing process following surgery as well as in comfort from different concerns of pain and other post-op complications. The common product variants that you can find for giving necessary support to your breasts include front-closure bras, compression bands and vests, stabilizer straps and body shapers.
While support bandages, compression bands and stabilizer straps could seem to be the only way to achieve desired results from the recovery process there is a need to observe the other crucial factors for efficient recovery from the breast augmentation surgery. For example, it is mandatory to follow all the post-operative instructions provided by the surgeon alongside the schedule of follow-up appointments with the surgeon and the medications prescribed by them.
Apart from regular use of compression and support garment such as straps, bras or breast bands, it is also recommended by surgeons to clean the incision site at regular intervals and apply the necessary topical medications. The general time for which you may be required to wear the breast compression garment may range from 6 weeks to more depending on your case and surgeon’s instructions. If you have any complications, then do not hesitate to consult your surgeon immediately without fail.