Feel Better After Abdominal Area Surgery Today!

The ultimate in ultra-soft comfort and advanced discreet healing for all post-op abdominal area surgeries, is found in the revolutionary Everyday Medical® Abdominal Binder.
The Everyday Medical® Abdominal Binder was uniquely engineered and designed to help you heal quickly, while also keeping your skin free from unwanted itching, irritation and bruising.
This Abdominal Binder can be worn all day, comfortably under any clothing. That’s because it’s made with a specialized Bamboo Fiber Technology that’s breathable and designed to wick-away moisture.
This particular Bamboo Fiber is odor-free and feels better than cotton! It allows the skin it covers to stay cool, dry and unencumbered. This means you can wear the Everyday Medical® Abdominal Binder for however long you want, and you won’t be bothered with any discomfort, bulges or bumps with your outerwear.
You can adjust how tight or loose you want the Everyday Medical® Abdominal Binder to be too. This is due to the 100% anatomically designed, strong yet super smooth velcro strap.
The velcro strap allows you to personally and continuously control the amount of compression you get. This is imperative because only you know exactly how much pressure you want, especially considering that it’s on your body.
Compression is critical for accelerated healing, and that’s why the Everyday Medical® Abdominal Binder was created. To give you full control of how much compression you want.
When you wear effective compression binding after surgery, you exponentially increase your chances of a speedy recovery. This is due to the increased blood circulation and oxygenation that efficacious compression garments offer. They fight-off unwanted inflammation and swelling too.

The Everyday Medical® Abdominal Binder was exclusively designed to accelerate healing from Laparotomy, Hysterectomy, Hephrectomy & Bariatric surgical procedures. Healing through discreet comfort is exactly what the Everyday Medical® Abdominal Binder was created to do!
When you’re ready to feel better and speed up the post-op surgery process Click the Link Below and pick-up a Brand New Everyday Medical® Abdominal Binder!