Are you struggling with Sciatica Pain?

Sciatic Pain

Struggling with Sciatica Pain? Read this article to know how to get rid of it…

Before going deep into the topic, let’s try to understand the differences between sacroiliac joint (SI joint) dysfunction and Sciatica. Inflammation that occurs in the SI joint is assumed to be caused by an interruption in the normal movement of the joint. If your SI joint becomes inflamed, a part of the sciatic nerve that passes directly in front of the joint can be inflamed.

Thus, SI joint dysfunction will affect the sciatic nerve and will pose more or less the same symptoms as that of sciatica. But, remember, the pain along your sciatic nerve due to the SI joint dysfunction is not caused by the pressed nerve root as it leaves the spine as it occurs with sciatica.

How to get rid of your sciatica pain?

The SI Joint Belt:

The easiest way to deal with both SI joint pain and sciatica is to use a quality SI joint belt. The SI joint belt is specially designed to alleviate the symptoms of SI joint pain. It will also provides superior support to the user’s hip region as well as get rid of SI joint dysfunction. By producing the right kind of compression in your hip region, this belt will hold your hips together, thereby, rapidly stabilizing the following regions:

  • Sacrum
  • Pelvis
  • Lumbar
  • Hips

Not only does it help relieve the SI joint pain but it will help reduce sciatica pains as well. If you are looking for a high-quality SI joint belts, check here.

Stretching Exercises:

Sciatic Pain Issue

Another easy way to get rid of the sciatic pain caused by the SI joint dysfunction is to perform some stretching exercises that are directed at the sacroiliac joint. These exercises will help restore the normal development while at the same time alleviating the irritation in your sciatic nerve.

Three best stretching exercises for sciatic pain are described below. Learn them:

Single Knee to Chest Stretching:

To do this, lie on the ground with your back and bring one of your knees up to your chest at a time. Now, gently pump the knee at least three or four times at the top of the range of movement. For best results, do ten repetitions for each leg.


Sciatic Pain

To do this, lie on the floor won your stomach. Keep your palms resting on the floor near your shoulders. Now, from this prone position, press up on your hands while the pelvic region is remaining in contact with the ground. While doing so, have your lower back and butt relaxed for a smooth stretch. Hold on to the press-up position for five seconds initially and slowly extend up to thirty seconds per rep. For best results, aim for at least ten reps.


Sciatic Pain Issue Lumbar Rotation (Non-weight bearing):

To do this, lie on the floor with your back and the knees bent. The feet must be flat on the ground while you rock your knees from side to side. While doing so, your thighs must rub together and your knees will not move farther. The lower spine must remain almost still. For best results, rock your knees for up to thirty seconds.


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