C-Section Recovery: 5 Best Tips for a Speedy Post Pregnancy Recovery

C-Section Recovery Tips
Undoubtedly, childbirth is the most exciting phase of a woman’s life. However, having a little one can be hard on the mother’s body, which is especially true for a mom who has had a C-section. It’s absolutely true that your body will need more time to recover if you had a C-section than if you had a normal vaginal delivery. Here are some tips to help you with a faster recovery. Do check them out…[1]
1. Start Using a Postpartum Support:
There are some good quality postpartum belly bands and waist trainers to try out. These will help increase the circulation naturally, thus helping with your metabolism. Moreover, postpartum belly bands will help slim your postpartum belly and waist much faster – a problem that is faced by each and every woman after childbirth. They will provide support to your core abdominal muscles and help uterus restore its original size after childbirth. Furthermore, it will help reduce your post-pregnancy swelling and bloating, which is usually experienced by a mom after delivery.
2. Get a Lot of Rest:
A C-section is just like any other major surgeries and your body needs a lot of time to heal after a C-section. Although you can expect to be in the hospital for just 3 or 4 days after the delivery, be sure to give your body at least six weeks to heal completely. Although it seems easier, it’s not so. Because you have your baby who needs a lot of attention from you and it’s not easy for you to stay hours in bed. A good way to go about this is to sleep whenever your baby sleeps. Remember, even just a few extra minutes of rest will help you heal faster.
3. Avoid Doing Heavy Work:
If you have had a C-section, you need to pay a little extra attention to your body. You are advised to avoid doing heavy work until you heal completely. Don’t climb up and down the stairs for a few weeks. You are recommended to have everything your baby needs close to you so that you don’t need to get up from your bed very frequently. Avoid lifting anything that’s heavier than your child. Normally, it would take up to eight weeks to get back to your normal routines. However, you are recommended to consult with your doctor before going back to exercising, working, or driving. Yes, of course, you are advised to wait to have intercourse with your partner until your doctor gives you the green signal.[2]
4. Take Pain Relievers:
You need to consult with your doctor before taking pain-relieving drugs, especially if you are breastfeeding. Based on the degree of your discomfort, your doctor might prescribe pain relievers or over-the-counter NSAIDs. Besides taking pain-relieving drugs, you can also try using a heating pad at the site of surgery in order to relieve the discomfort.[3]
5. Concentrate on the Nutrition Side:
Not only is good nutrition important during your pregnancy period, but it’s equally important in the months after the childbirth as well. This is especially true if you are breastfeeding because your child’s primary nutrition will come from your body. We will advise you to eat a variety of foods to help make you stronger and your baby healthier at the same time. In this line, you need to take lots of vegetables and drink plenty of fluids to help boost the milk supply and also to prevent constipation.
When to See the Doctor?
After a C-section, it’s normal to feel some soreness at the site of incision and to have bleeding/discharge for up to 6 weeks after childbirth. But, if you notice the following symptoms, you must see the doctor as they could indicate an infection:
- Redness/swelling/pus oozing from the site of the incision
- Pain around the incision site
- Fever (100.4 degrees F and more)
- Vaginal discharge with bad odors
- Heavy bleeding
- Redness/swelling in the leg
- Difficulty breathing
- Chest pain
- Pain in your breasts
- Mood swings/Anxiety
Finally, for a faster recovery, you should keep yourself from comparing yourself with another woman who has had a C-section. Everyone will have a different experience when it comes to surgery and hence, you must concentrate on your own body. Give it the time to heal completely before it gets back to normal!