Is yoga bad for tennis elbow?

Yoga is an excellent treatment for elbow pain. The stretching and the postures without bearing weight can ease out the pain and reduce the stiffness in the joints. Lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow is an injury accompanied by pain caused by overstressing and overstraining of the tendons that connect the muscles and the bones. The inflammation of the tiny tears in the tendons causes the pain. The yogic postures without bearing weight and exercises can treat this condition.


It can mitigate the pain and stiffness due to tennis elbow. The mountain pose performed with interlocking fingers is very effective. The pressure or the tension is reduced, and the flexibility of the forearm muscles and tendons is improved.

Muscle strengthening:

The yogic postures can strengthen the elbow muscles with less pain and discomfort. The plank posture performed against the wall is an effective exercise.


Those suffering from certain health problems like heart-related issues, and headaches due to stress, low blood pressure, migraines, and insomnia must avoid the mountain pose. In case of high blood pressure, do not hold the stretch for more than 15 seconds. It is quite common to experience pain and discomfort while performing these poses. You must stop it if the pain is severe and extreme. It is better to consult your doctor before starting a new yoga regime.