What are the risk factors for coccydynia?

The coccyx is referred to as the "tail bone." It's located just above the cleft in the buttocks, and curves forward so that it points towards the front of the body.

Coccydynia is a medical condition that refers to pain in the coccyx. Some risk factors for coccydynia are as follows:

One of the biggest risks is the presence of continual pain in the coccyx post-operatively, that is although the patient has tolerated the long healing process, he/she still has not shown any progress in the symptoms. Because of this, the patient assortment is critical to a positive surgical outcome.

Another possible risk coccygectomy (uncommon) is damage to the rectum as the coccyx is being removed. This may unlikely to happen, but if it happens by any least chance, a diverting colostomy is necessary to allow the rectum to heal.

Other possible risks of contracting coccydynia include difficulties in wound healing and/or local infections, delaying the overall process of healing. Unlike other types of spine surgeries, there are no significant nerve roots in the region that would be at risk.