What should I do if I am pregnant and have a hernia?
If you have a hernia during your pregnancy, you should consult your doctor immediately and ask her to examine the condition without any delay. The common advice, in this case,...
Why should I get a hiatal hernia surgery?
A hiatal hernia surgery can fix your hiatal hernia by pulling the stomach back into your abdomen and making the gap in your diaphragm smaller. As such, this surgical procedure...
What are the common types of a hernia?
Most types of hernias are seen in the abdominal region. Regions of weakness in the abdomen where hernias are commonly seen include: Groin Upper stomach Belly button The region of...
How do you fix an umbilical hernia?
Usually, umbilical hernias will be fixed through an umbilical hernia surgery. It’s to be noted that it’s unlikely that your umbilical hernia will heal on their own. On the other...
Can you die from an umbilical hernia?
The umbilical hernias are not as dangerous. However, there are risks involved in the umbilical hernias that are left untreated. They may get trapped in a condition called incarcerated. This...
Do umbilical hernias always need surgery?
No, umbilical hernias do not always need surgery. You may need surgery for your umbilical hernia when it: Produces pain Is bigger than ½ inch Is strangulated In Infants: If...
Is an umbilical hernia surgery dangerous?
Umbilical hernia repair surgery is a surgical procedure that is done to fix an umbilical hernia. Generally, the risks associated with umbilical hernia repair surgeries are very low. As such,...
Is an umbilical hernia serious?
Umbilical hernias, by themselves, are not dangerous. However, there are chances that they will get entrapped or incarcerated. Your physician will examine if your hernia can be pushed back into...
Can you push an umbilical hernia back?
An umbilical hernia will result when part of your bowel or fatty tissue squeezes through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles close to your belly button. In infants, most...
Can I exercise with an umbilical hernia?
A hernia will result when a structure/organ squeezes through a fragile area of the muscles. When it comes to an umbilical hernia, a portion of the intestine will squeeze through...
Is an umbilical hernia dangerous in adults?
An umbilical hernia will result due to the muscle weakness in and around the belly button region. It can make the belly button pop out. This can occur in people...
Is an inguinal hernia serious?
An inguinal hernia results when tissues, such a portion of your intestine, squeezes through a weak point in your abdominal muscles. The bulge that results can cause pain, especially while...
Do inguinal hernias go away?
Hernias will not heal on their own. Only a hernia repair procedure can fix a hernia. However, many times, patients with an inguinal hernia can be able to delay their...
What causes hernias?
Hernias are the result of a mix of muscle weakness and strain. Based on the underlying cause, a hernia can grow rapidly or over an extensive period of time. Most...
How can I identify if my child has a hernia?
You can identify if your child has a hernia by answering the following questions. If you suspect a hernia in your child, ask yourself: Is the lump present when your...
Can a hernia lead to death?
When left untreated, any incarcerated hernia may progress toward becoming strangulated. This implies the hernia is firmly caught and blood will never again stream into the tissues. Without a typical...
Are hernias hereditary?
The answer to this is a bit complicated. Here is the explanation: To put it directly, hernias aren’t hereditary by themselves. This means that it can’t be genetically transmitted from...
Is there any way I can prevent myself from getting a hernia?
The underlying causes behind each type of hernia are different, therefore the steps that can be taken to prevent each one will also be different. However, all hernias can’t be...
If my hernia does not hurt, do I have to get it repaired?
A simple answer to this question is a “YES”. There are several reasons to get your hernia fixed as soon as possible even if you don’t have symptoms. The first...
My child has a hernia. What needs to be done about it and who do I need to see?
A pediatric hernia is one thing that shouldn’t be ignored as a parent. As we all know, things will occur much faster in children than in adults and even a...